I'm not exactly sorry to see it go...it was more trouble than it was worth. I bought that Jetta 3 years ago next month. Bad bad bad choice! The first year was great! After that, I slowly began pouring more money into it to fix it than it was worth.
At the time of the "accident", which was more like a disaster that couldn't be avoided, I already had:
A major oil leak
A dent in the front corner panel
A crack windshield...which went all the way across
One seat belt in the back that didn't work
One window in the back that wouldn't roll down
&& last but not least, a ticking noise in the engine
It had 181k miles on it...and was pretty much dead.
After my $500 deductable...I'm getting a wopping $514 for my Jetta.
We were on Mt. Hood HWY 26 over the weekend. Drove up to clear lake, and learned that the snow hasn't quite gone away yet...even though it was 77+ degrees out! So we ate our lunch and turned around to head back to Portland. Just pass Government camp we came around a blind curve, and in the right lane, the lane I'm of course in, there was a rock slide that had come down the mountain and spread across the majority of the right lane. Going highway speeds of 50+ I had three choices. Side swipe a car to the left of me to avoid the 80 pound boulder suddenly in front of me, hit the mountain wall with no guard rail, or go over the boulder and pray for the best. So that's the option I took. Needless to say the boulder won. Tore off my trans axle casing...which there were pieces of allllll over the highway...and put a huge dent in my oil pan...which was already leaking. So we got to wait for my mom for 2 hours to come up the mountain with the AAA card and save us.
Yesterday I went out and got myself a new car.

I was already planning on getting a new car soon..this just sped up the process a bit. I spent a little more than I wanted to...but such a nice car for the price it was and such low mileage! I had already spent hours going from lot to lot. Charlie and I saw this and it was done!
So now it's time to go clean out the Jetta, and say goodbye...GOOD RIDIENCE!