Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kittens!! && Cats =)

Random summer times

So Charlie (my boyfriend of just over a year now) and I made a trip up to Multnomah falls! Just some random pictures =)

Random family pictures

In case you didn't know...

So I saw that a couple of my cousins...through Zack who I recently made contact with..had this blogger thingy and I thought "hey, why not have one for family to keep in touch?" I honestly really only know Zach, and Rachel who I very recently met with her 3 adorable kids! But hey, if I add you (or whatever you do on here) and you're thinking who the heck is this? Brittany Brown, John's ( or probably uncle John to most of you) oldest daughter. I'm not really much of a writer. But I'll post lots of pictures of my family, and my life and such! Maybe I'll actually get to know some more of my GIGANTIC family!