Hey everyone! So not a lot lot going on...but there are a few things I guess I could update you guys on! My best friend, Kayla, since I was 4..when we moved into the house my parents still live in...had her baby!! Grace Marie Glenn-Culley was born on November 18th, at 6:42pm est. She was 7 lbs, 14 oz., 19.5 inches long. It took inducing and 28 hours of hard labor for poor Kayla! But yes, they're both doing splendidly! And I'm now a very proud Auntie/God Mother. I can't wait until after the 1st of the year, and when I come up with the whopping $300 for a plane ticket so I can fly out to Indiana and see my best friend for the first time in 4 years and meet little Grace!

Momma and daughter

All stretched out! 1 week old.

Happy little Family; Kenny (dad) his son Isaiah, Kayla, and baby Grace.
Then there was Thanksgiving..Happy late Thanksgiving everyone! Ours was a busy one. Charlie and I almost never get to sleep in..so we were pretty shocked when we woke up at 11am on Thanksgiving day...and I had to be at my parent's in 3 hours and Charlie to his Grandparents to help his uncle cook in about an hour! So we rushed rushed rushed... took a shower and packed up my makeup and hair dryer to finish getting ready at Uncle Paul's, grabbed something to snack on from 7-Eleven...so gross, then headed to his Grandparents house. We visited with them for a bit, Charlie helped make dinner for his uncle and grandpa...his grandma had just gotten out of surgery that day. I headed over to my parents...tried not to eat too too much because I knew I'd be having a second Thanksgiving dinner...that didn't work so well though! Pretty much as soon as I put my fork down Charlie called saying his parents had just called and wanted us over there within the hour. So I pack up the leftovers I was taking home and go to pick up Charlie and head to his parents. We both could barely eat another bite! But of course, we did, to be polite. After all that turkey we defiantly were ready for a nap! So we went home to do just that. I had a four day weekend...but poor Charlie had to work Friday, Saturday and for 3 hours on Sunday. So I made myself busy at home the best I could. I went crazy-mad-woman on my house and did some much needed cleaning, brought Charlie lunch, made a trip to the library, took the pop cans back, went to the grocery store, and to Target. Then I was ready for a nap! The rest of my weekend pretty much went the same. Oh and on Friday I picked up my new glasses! I have glasses for reading...that I honestly never use. But Charlie gets very scared when I drive sometimes...so I gave in and went to the eye doctor. Just a slight prescription, but it really does help!

So yes, that's just about it for our very boring lives. Oh and Charlie transferred stores...it's a much better fit for him. Only 30 min bus ride away instead of over an hour, and NOT in a mall. Believe me, I worked in the mall for a very very long time...it's really not fun. Oh yeah! As of today, my birthday is in 2 weeks! ::Sigh:: I'll be 22...I'm starting to feel so old! Even though I know I'm really not that old =)